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Debunking myth of Israel’s existence

Israel, or more specifically, Zionism which lies at the root of the rationale for the religious state of Israel, relies for its existence with its unique Jewish identity on a few myths. Global majors, in the recent past, have intervened with force in the internal affairs of nations with a theocratic basis, especially in the Middle East, labelling them undemocratic or based on Islamic extremism, thus deeming them terroristic in nature.

The military actions by the US and its cohorts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria not only devastated populous countries to the extent that they became a living hell but also forced innocent civilians to leave their countries and wander in search of a living space as refugees across the globe. All these Western powers cited the reason that the governments in these nations had been infected with terrorism.

But when it comes to Israel and its formation, these Western powers have found themselves in an unholy nexus of powers whose aim is that the Jewish community be secured under a Jewish theocratic nation based on Zionism, the ideology of which sees to all communities, nations and religious forms next to them or sub-human, a pure form of extremism based on religious aristocratism which could only be attained by birth.

For the West, this pure form of extremism based on Zionism is not terrorism per se but a mere survival of the Jewish community for which they could resort to any kind of atrocities, aggressions and invasion in the label of self-defence, further exposing the West and its double standard.

And Israel, an extremist nation established in the Middle East, drove out the inhabitants of the land for centuries, while the West watched as Palestinians were killed, attacked, invaded, colonized, pillaged, and their living shelters were evicted at gunpoint, with Jews being inducted in the name of self-defence for Israel. It all began in 1948, and the end is unpredictable as the Zionist nation map is said to have extended to the far end of Saudi Arabia, and Palestinians are only the first victims of a wider project. The establishment of the nation could not be developed only by force, but it should accompany a sort of fables and myths so that the world could fathom what these Israeli extremists have been doing for a long time is legitimate in their own course.

Here is an attempt to dissect the most crucial two myths among them:

Debunking Myth-1: The country Israel was there 2000 years ago

Social media has been inundated with false and fake information in regard to Israelis right over Palestine after the conflict escalated to ‘the worst violence in the Middle East. The claim that Israel existed as a country 2000 years ago is often cited to justify its current rights over Palestine. However, historical data reveals a more nuanced picture. Two millennia ago, the region was inhabited by various tribes, and the concept of a unified, sovereign nation called Israel as we understand it today did not exist.

During that period, the term "Israel" referred to a people, the descendants of Jacob, biblically known as the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham. These people dwelled in a region called Canaan, coexisting with other tribes. The historical record shows that the children of Jacob, or Israel, dispersed across different parts of the region for various reasons. But that Israel is synonymous with the current state of Israel.

Even if we entertain the notion that there might have been a region referred to as Israel in some form, it is essential to recognize the fluidity of nations, people, and tribal territories over time. Claiming present-day rights based on ancestral presence thousands of years ago lacks historical validity. Nations evolve, borders shift, and the demographics of regions change, making hereditary claims tenuous.

Historically, the idea of a distinct country called Israel, as we recognize it today, only solidified in the 20th century with the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948. The intervening centuries saw numerous empires, invasions, and changes in rulership, contributing to the dynamic history of the region.

Debunking Myth 2: Muslims are enemies of Jews for years

Contrary to the narrative that Muslims have been perennial enemies of Jews, historical instances reveal a more complex relationship. It is crucial to dispel this myth by examining historical periods where Muslims provided refuge to Jews during times of Christian persecution.

During the Christian Crusades in the West, millions of Jews faced persecution at the hands of Christians. The Crusaders, in their quest for the Holy Land, drew Jews out of present-day Palestine. It was under Muslim rule that Jews found shelter and protection from the atrocities committed by the Christian Crusaders.

Notably, during Muslim rule in Spain, Jews lived peacefully alongside their Muslim counterparts. The era of Al-Andalus was marked by a flourishing of science, culture, and interfaith coexistence. It was only with the Christian invasion that this harmony was disrupted.

Furthermore, historical records indicate that Muslim countries provided asylum to Jews during periods of persecution. Muslims played a role in safeguarding Jews when they faced extermination at the hands of Christians, such as during the Holocaust.

The present-day narrative of perpetual enmity between Muslims and Jews often neglects these historical nuances. Moreover, the shared faith and rituals between Muslims and Jews in so many aspects of faith, challenge the notion of an inherent conflict. Both communities adhere to monotheistic religious views, engage in similar fasting practices, and have comparable prayer rituals.

Muslims and Jews share a common faith

The shared faith and rituals between Muslims and Jews underscore a common thread that often goes unnoticed amid the complex tapestry of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Unlike Christianity, which has diverged from strict monotheism with the concept of the Holy Trinity, both Muslims and Jews firmly adhere to a monotheistic worldview.

The act of prayer serves as a unifying practice for these two communities. Muslims, adhere to the five daily prayers known as Salah, and Jews, with their three prayer sessions, connect with the divine in a similar fashion. The directional focus of prayer, known as Qibla for Muslims and facing Jerusalem for Jews, further emphasizes the shared spiritual journey.

Fasting is another common observance, with both communities engaging in this practice. Muslims observe fasting during the month of Ramadan, abstaining from food and drink from dawn to dusk. Similarly, Jews partake in fasting on Yom Kippur and other special occasions, symbolizing a shared commitment to spiritual discipline and self-reflection.

The ritual of slaughtering meat in a specific way, known as Halal in Islam and Kosher in Judaism, reflects a parallel dedication to dietary laws. Both communities adhere to stringent guidelines in the preparation of meat, emphasizing humane and ethical practices.

Moreover, the intertwining of politics with faith is a shared aspect. Both Islam and Judaism acknowledge the role of politics within the framework of religious beliefs. The historical coexistence of Muslims and Jews in various periods of history, such as during Muslim Spain, attests to the potential for harmony despite contemporary conflicts. While the Israel-Palestine conflict remains complex, acknowledging these commonalities sheds light on the potential for mutual respect and coexistence between Muslims and Jews.

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TAGS:Middle EastterrorismextremismIsrael Palestine ConflictZionismChristian Crusades
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