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Netanyahu: the world’s Number 1 terrorist

Netanyahu: the world’s Number 1 terrorist

Binyamin Netanyahu is regarded by some as one of the evillest men on earth. Tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians have been murdered on his orders. They have been shot. They have been blown up. They have been starved to death. They have been deprived of medicine. He has extended his bloody reign of terror to Lebanon. For decades he has advocated for gross breaches of international law, humanitarian law and the law of nations. His crimes against humanity have been committed prolifically. His rank criminality has not prevented him from having the red carpet rolled out for him in Washington DC, London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow and elsewhere.

Bill Clinton was notorious as the most viciously anti-Palestinian President of the United States. But even he was revolted by Netanyahu. Clinton said that Netanyahu did not regard the Palestinians as human beings at all.

Mr. Netanyahu said he is proud to have prevented a Palestinian State from being established. Palestinians are a nation by almost any definition. To many, Israel does not meet the criteria to be a state. If Palestine is not a state, then what is it? Zionists claim that the Palestinians are Jordanians and or Egyptians. If either of those nations wish to claim Palestine and the Palestinians want to accede to them then so be it. But that is not the case.

Netanyahu is a confirmed Islamophobe and anti-Arab racist. Yet he will exploit the Holocaust to try to justify his manifold offences against law and common humanity. According to Netanyahu anything that stands in the way of his crimes is anti-Semitic. International law is anti-Semitic. Humanitarian law is anti-Semitic. The UN is anti-Semitic. The European Union is anti-Semitic. Amnesty International is anti-Semitic. Human Rights Watch is anti-Semitic. Medicins sans Frontieres is anti-Semitic. Any organisation that records his countless and gross violations of law and decency is anti-Semitic in his warped and bogus worldview.

There are many Hollywood films about the Holocaust. It is right that the world knows of the genocide committed by white Christians against the Jews in Europe. Not a single person in the Holocaust was killed by a Palestinian. Yet the Palestinians have paid the blood price for a crime not one of them committed.

Where is the Hollywood film about the plight of the Palestinians? When will a US studio release a film called Al Nakba (the Disaster)? Why does no American director make a film about massacres perpetrated by Israel? When shall we see a film valorising the gallant Palestinian freedom fighters who most nobly laid down their lives to defend their homes and families? A film which is a panegyric to men and women who dauntlessly faced overwhelming odds and battled till their last blood flowed. Why will no French, German, Canadian, British, or Western movie maker produce a film showing the conflict from the Palestinian perspective? If he or she did so he would be hounded out of film by the Zionists.

Netanyahu views it as providential that he was born in the same year as modern Israel: 1948. His father immigrated from Belarus to British Mandatory Palestine in the early 20th century. The surname was changed from a typically Slavonic one.

Prime Minister Netanyahu was of course born into a Jewish family. His academic father was not particularly observant. Netanyahu himself eschews a beard. Being clean-shaven signifies secularism among Jews. Nor does he sport a yarmulke (skullcap) except when he attends a synagogue where they are mandatory.

Because of his father’s professorial career, Netanyahu spent much of his childhood in the United States. That is where he perfected his English. However, his family declined to become citizens of the United States.

After school, Binyamin did his military service in the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF). His elder brother Yonatan was in an elite unit. Yonatan was the only fatality in the IDF when it launched its raid on Entebbe, Uganda to rescue Jewish hostages. Binyamin has always tried to live up to his brother’s memory. He was not as tough or as brave as his brother, so he has become more brutal. Cruelty is his version of machismo.

He attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He embarked on a PhD at Harvard but jacked it in. He worked for Boston Consulting Group.

Mr. Netanyahu married a Jewess. Whilst his wife was pregnant, he began an extramarital affair with a non-Jewish British woman. Religious Jews often deride Gentile women with the opprobrious term ‘shixsa’. He divorced his good wife after the birth of his daughter. He then married a British woman. He regularly visited his wife’s relatives in the United Kingdom in the 1980s. They had no children and divorced after a few years. But his frequent visits to the United Kingdom made a positive impression on him and he began to feel that cordial relations with the UK were important. Until then many supporters of his party – Likud – were fairly anti-British. Israel had become independent after Zionist terrorists fought against British troops. They blamed London for not letting more Jews into Palestine in the 1930s and 1940s. Zionists often identified with Irish republican terrorists. But Netanyahu began to perceive the UK as an all especially when it was led by Margaret Thatcher who was a fanatical philosemite.

After some years in the USA, Netanyahu returned to the Land of Israel. He became heavily involved in the Likud Party. Likud grew out of the racist terrorists who had committed atrocities against Arab civilians in the 1930s and 1940s. They had also committed terrorist acts against the lawful authorities in Palestine: the British Administration. Even when the United Kingdom was one of the only countries battling to save Jews in 1940 even then the ultra-Zionist terrorists had attacked the British.

The Israeli Labour Party was the other major party in the country. Labour grew out of those who had cooperated with the British authorities and recognised that there must be some justice for the Palestinians.

Mr. Netanyahu divorced his British spouse. He then wed his third wife who is a Jewish woman born in Israel. He has children with Sara and now grandchildren.

It was an advantage for Netanyahu that he spoke perfect English with an American accent. In the 1980s not many Israelis spoke English as well as he did. He had also developed top-level contacts in US and British politics.

In the 1990s it came to light that Netanyahu was having an affair with another Israeli. The media published photos of him in a compromising position with his mistress. His serial adultery did not put off the religious maniacs who were coalition allies of Likud. Under Judaism the penalty for adultery is death. It has not been enforced for centuries.

Netanyahu has been Prime Minister of Israel on and off for almost thirty years. When he has not been PM he has served as Finance Minister or else been a prominent figure on the right of politics.

Binyamin Netanyahu is known by the familiar ‘Bibi’ among friends and tried to use that in politics to soften his image. But he is seen as egregiously hawkish. He never saw a war he did not like.

In 2003 Netanyahu lobbied for the Iraq War. He wants war all across the world.

The illegal occupation of the West Bank is armed robbery. People are forced out of their homes at gunpoint and without compensation. Jews in Arabia suffered similar crimes after 1948. They too deserve assythment. Arabs only turned against Jews when the Palestinians were supplanted. It was still wrong to commit any hateful act against Jews because of this.

The elephant in the living room is the illegal occupation of Palestine. In 1967 the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously that Israel must immediately and unconditionally withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza. This is international law. Even the United States voted for this resolution.

In the United Kingdom, the Terrorism Act defines terrorism as unlawful violence anywhere in the world in furtherance of any national, political, religious or any other ideological cause. The actions of the IDF repeatedly meet these criteria.

By no means all Israelis are bad. Some are morally and physically courageous and stand up to the bigots. Humane Israelis save Palestinians. There are even IDF soldiers who are repulsed by Netanyahu’s rampant criminality. Some of Israel’s enemies are wicked and have committed crimes against humanity.

Israel has been breaking international law every single day for 67 years. The USA, UK, France, Germany and many other countries have sold Israel the weapons with which Israel continues its criminal occupation of Palestine. Israel has repeatedly and deliberately attacked civilians on dozens of occasions and so have its foes. Western nations knowingly furnished Israel with the weapons that they knew were used for murder. This is an accessory shop. Under common law, this makes them as culpable as the principal.

Unsurprisingly Palestinians do not like being under illegal military occupation. Oppression causes resistance. Some Israelis recognise the equation

No justice = no peace

Palestine unfree shall never know peace.

The Prime Minister of Israel was humiliated by the 7 October 2023 attacks. Hundreds of Israeli civilians and at least 200 Israeli military personnel were slain that day. It was the largest loss of life in Israel in a single day in its modern history. Netanyahu bills himself as Mr. Security and his reputation was wrecked by Hamas. Shin Bet (Israel’s internal intelligence agency) and the Israeli Defences Forces had seen strange activity in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza for months before 7 October. Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement) seemed to be planning something and training for something. Some of the IDF soldiers tasked with watching Gaza from guard towers were women. Their testimony was often treated contumeliously.

Israel was shocked by the rapidity with which Hamas penetrated its defences. Hamas used hang gliders in some cases. Hamas stormed some army bases which turned out to be lightly and laxly guarded. Several years of peace had lulled Israel into a false sense of security. Israel was caught napping. You snooze: you lose. Hamas even managed to capture a couple of Israeli Markava tanks.

Since 7 October last year, Israel counterattacked Gaza. Israel did not attempt to control Gaza itself. Instead, they controlled all but one of its land border crossings. They controlled its airspace and territorial water. They provided water, electricity, gas and the means of life. But all this would be turned off if the Gazans got uppity.

The State of Israel cut off all water, electricity, gas and humanitarian aid. Israel said it had been subjected to a terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11. In fairness, Israeli civilians were deliberately targeted in some cases and hundreds were taken hostage.

The IDF has been fighting in Gaza since. It has killed over 41,000 Gazan civilians according to Hamas. Moreover, it has wounded at least triple that number. Thousands of Gazans have been apprehended by Israel and taken to prison. There have been numerous videos showing the IDF torturing Palestinians. If that is what they do when they know they are being filmed, then they must do worse when they are not being filmed.

Eretz Israel brands Hamas as a terrorist organisation. Who founded Hamas? Israel built up Hamas in the 1980s as a way to divide and enfeeble the Palestinians. They wished to degrade the Palestinian Liberation Organisation.

Zionists fought against British rule. Was that terrorism? Netanyahu has praised these Zionist terrorists to the moon. Yet British rule was lawful and strove to be fair to both Arabs and Jews. Zionist control over the West Bank and Gaza is unlawful and flagrantly racist.

For decades Netanyahu has advocated for crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and crimes against international law. He is the world’s number 1 terrorist. Yet he has been lionised in the USA.

B Netanyahu may have bitten off more than he can chew. Israel has invaded Lebanon a few times before. Lebanon paid a horrendous price, but Israel eventually withdrew.

Opinion in the US is shifting. Only 3% of the population is Muslim and they are most pro-Palestine. But the Muslim community is growing. Left-wing Americans and ethnic minority Americans are increasingly cognizant of the horrific injustices inflicted on Palestine. There is a small but increasing minority of US citizens who recognise that their government is more than complicit in the most monstrous crimes committed on an enormous scale. They are a serious minority in the Democratic Party. One day they may be the majority. One day the United States will elect a president and a congress that recognises Palestinian rights.

Israel is now an affluent country. It has discovered hydrocarbons off its coast. It has a superb IT sector. It is the most adept at espionage. Israel has assiduously courted countries in the Global South and lavished them with aid. It has tried to buy their loyalty. Israel bothers to spend money to maintain embassies in countries with almost no Jewish community and no trade links to Israel.

If one day the United States stops funding Israel, stops arming Israel, stops sharing intelligence and stops providing diplomatic cover for Israeli crimes then Israel will be in trouble. Israel is preparing for that eventuality. It may be decades before it comes to pass. Israel may still be in a fairly strong position when it is abandoned by Uncle Sam.

Netanyahu is under investigation for numerous crimes. He has prolonged this war to delay these cases coming to trial. The 76-year-old faces the rest of his life in prison. Tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians have been murdered so this felon can escape justice from the courts of his own country.

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