Riyadh Season: "Ana Arabia" of women's fashion to open on Dec 10
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Riyadh: Riyadh Season will launch its "Ana Arabia" exhibition on Saturday, December 10. "Ana Arabia", meaning "I'm an Arab Woman", features Arab women in design and fashion, Arab News reported.
The exhibition will take the stage at Riyadh Front, one of the entertainment zones of Riyadh Season. It will open at 4 pm and run until midnight, till December 16.
It will gather Arab creators together at the largest meet of its kind in the Middle East.
The exhibition will feature the works of more than 200 designers from Arab land. It will provide space for women designers as well as businesswomen to market their products and share experience in the design field. There will be meetings of prominent fashion and beauty pundits will present their experiences.
"Ana Arabia" is all set to exhibit exclusive and innovative products in fashion, jewellery, perfumes, leather and home accessories with an interactive ambience.